It’s 3-4 hrs since dinner and you’re sleepy, but you feel hungry for no reason. You think to yourself, eating before bed will make me fat; that eating before bed will give me unnecessary calories. You convince yourself, food will sit in my stomach all night long & I will put on weight.
Word to the unconventionally wise: Don’t believe in this myth! Eating the right type of bedtime snack will boost your metabolism. It will keep your blood sugar levels stable & bring you closer to your goal of weight. So, don’t sleep on an empty stomach. But grab a healthy bite instead.
Here are our 5 reason why you should eat a balanced bedtime snack—even if you’re not hungry!
1. Eating a snack before bed will cause healthy weight loss. Yup, you read that rite. Weight loss is not an equation of calories in and calories out. Generally weight loss are about nourishing your body with the nutrients it needs to work best, and keeping your blood sugar levels stable. When you have habit to eat the right amounts of the right foods, your blood sugars stabilize. This will put your fat burning hormone, glucagon on its real job to burn calories. But if you skip the bedtime snack, your blood sugar will crash shortly after you fall asleep, and you don’t sleep well which will cause weight gain.
2. Will full belly, you will fall sleep & stay asleep. Many people struggle with falling and/or staying asleep. The simplest thing that you can do is have a healthy bedtime snack. But don’t eat anything. About 15 to 30 minutes before bed, have an apple slices and almond butter, a bowl of berries and heavy cream, carrots and guac, mashed avocado and banana pudding. Try to stick with a half cup (or half banana or half sweet potato) for carb and a couple tablespoons (or half an avocado) for fat. Try these out & see the magic.
3. Just because you’re sleeping, it doesn’t mean that your body doesn’t need energy. Sometimes real hidden causes of weight gain are fatigue, sleep issues, and low energy levels. At bedtime, eating Fat and Carb snack will support your metabolism. This means your body will continue its fat-burning work even when you are asleep.
4. A full stomach before bed = stable blood sugar levels = better sleep = healthier life. Sleep affects your energy level, appetite, metabolism, cravings, immunity and your weight. The better you sleep at night, the better you’ll feel all day. We spend 1/3rd of our daily time in sleep, so we should get it right.
5. Why deprive yourself of a yummy healthy snack if it helps your weight loss. You were only avoiding it to avoid weight gain. But guess what, you are helping your weight loss with this health snack.
So, start this change today & see the results.
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